Opera 11.50

Web apps made a tepid splash with the public when they debuted in Google Chrome last year, but that hasn't stopped other developers like Opera from joining the club. Also known as in-browser apps, Opera 11.50 for Windows, Mac and Linux has been released, now offers Web apps in the form of Speed Dial extensions. Web apps are special sites written in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript that allow developers to treat the browser as the coding platform. What this means for the end user is that you can run games like Angry Birds, get real-time weather updates, or see recommendations from your Read It Later list on the fly. Other changes in Opera 11.50 include an interface tweak and support for password synchronization in Opera Link. Engine improvements in the new version include broader HTML5 support including Session History and Navigation, and faster CSS and SVG rendering for more stable image loading.

Click here to Download Opera 11.50